I find helping other photographers and artists incredibly rewarding. I believe in community over competition.

In today’s industry - talent is not enough. You need to treat every day like a full-time job & constantly be evaluating and updating your list of goals & targets. A recipe for success in today’s competitive industry consists of a solid understanding of the industry you are in, a strong portfolio that shows a consistent brand voice, knowledge of who your target market is & a solid marketing plan. Oh, and at the same time - be a boss at social media marketing!

I get it, its a lot! I understand the burden of wearing many hats! I want to help you figure out which order to wear them or, simply understand which one to put on first in the morning. Believe me, it’s possible! Having a clear vision & time management is everything.

In my mentoring sessions, I want you to feel re-energized, gain confidence in yourself AND your business and be ready to tackle the action points with a kick-ass attitude. I will help you identify the strong points, the weak links & help set you on the path to achieving your goals. Lets grab a coffee & talk it through!


Both 1-1 learning options are structured into two parts to help you get the best out of the session - a physical review document (The Portfolio Review or Mentoring Session PDF) and The Phone Call (set up via Skype, Zoom or Google Meet).

The review document is a multi page PDF download that can be reviewed at any time. The perfect tool for putting your plan into action!

View each 1-1 learning option below.


Please note that I open/close 1-1 learning sessions depending on my schedule. I will only take on these sessions if I know I can give you 100% of my attention. If you don’t see the option to book the mentorship, please contact me to find out when I may be opening up bookings again. 

Sale Price: $400.00 Original Price: $500.00
Sale Price: $1,200.00 Original Price: $1,500.00


“There were so many useful nuggets of information. Her insight and guidance were invaluable and the advice she has given me has sent my career in a new and exciting direction!”
— Marc Bates
Lara’s review was really inspiring. She helped me get in the right mindset and equipped me with the tools to dream bigger!
— Lesley Hoste